Mojo and the Ancestral Power Leaderboards
According to the Lore: "Mojo is the life essence Trolls crave and need for Voodoo and other practices. It is either taken from other Trolls, earned by gaining reputation or extracted from converting new souls." This relates to both the Mojo earned and the lifetime base Mojo on the Genesis NFT.
The function of Mojo is to act as a counter for rewards received in the Clan Quests or other activities. Users can earn Mojo in many ways including, interacting with the ecosystem, registering an Ancestral Node, Social activities, co-creation, Onboarding, etc.
The Genesis NFTs will have a certain amount of Mojo attached to their NFT. Each NFT staked to an Ancestral Node (up to 4) will add to the Node's Mojo Level allowing them to climb the Ancestral Power Leaderboard.
Users may also choose to sacrifice $TUSKS tokens in order to claim more Mojo. This will allow users who may not want to participate in the Clan Quests to increase their Mojo holdings and move higher on the leaderboards resulting in greater rewards.
The Ancestral Power Leaderboards will be divided by Clan and Tribe rankings and allow users to earn rewards based on their position within the Leaderboards. Rewards will be distributed as shown on the Fee Splitter and Rewards Diagram found in the "Fee Splitter" section.
Last updated