Who are the MojoTrolls?
MojoTrolls are not just a bunch of pretty faces. They are sophisticated creatures living in an innovative society filled with old-world magic and new technological advancements. MojoTrolls constantly engage in the battle to gain "Mojo", their vital life force, and ancient magic that is passed down from their Ancestors.
When young MojoTrolls come of age they are sent out on their first quest to help them determine which of the Clans they will fit in with best (more on this later). From this point on MojoTrolls will venture out on many quests for their Clan, each with its own purpose and each helping them gain more and more Mojo.
Through Clan Quests, $TUSKS sacrifices, and by any means necessary, MojoTrolls are always trying to gain wisdom and strength by increasing their Mojo. Though there is a friendly competition between the Clans, each uses its strengths and specialized knowledge to further the cause of the entire MojoTrolls Tribe. One theme that remains constant in all the Clans is their desire to expand the population and bring as many new MojoTrolls into their Clan as possible.
Read below as we break down their complex society and explain the intricacies of how the MojoTrolls accomplish their goals.
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